Michele Eggers, PhD

Class of: 
1992 - BASW

Michele Eggers, PhD
2018 Alumni of the Year
BASW Class of 1992

Humboldt Department of Social Work is honored to announce our Alumni of the Year, Michele Eggers, PhD.  Michele earned her BASW from Humboldt in 1992 and currently is professor in the MSW Program at Pacific University in Eugene, Oregon.   Michele is recognized for her work in the field and also as a prior faculty member.
Professor Emeritus, Pam Brown writes –
“Michele's areas of interest, community work and research have been in the areas of:

Politics of reproductive health, rights, and justice
Environmental, Indigenous, and women’s rights
Embodying inequality
Latin America
Critical theory of whiteness
Constructions of violence

Michele’s commitment to human rights, her extensive practice as a social worker in schools and treatment programs, and her use of film, photography and writing to move these issues into the light is the reason why we are honoring her for her academic research and creative work in the field.”
Congratulation's Michele!