Stephanie Weldon is Yurok, Tolowa, and Karuk and is an enrolled Yurok Tribal member. Stephanie was raised in Klamath, on the Yurok reservation. She is the mother of three Yurok children and a tribally specified caregiver of three Yurok children. Stephanie has been involved in Tribal advocacy, cultural revitalization and preservation, and raising awareness of Tribal issues throughout her personal and professional life.
Stephanie received her Bachelor’s Degree in Native American Studies in 2008 with a minor in American Indian Education from Humboldt State University. Stephanie earned her Masters Degree in Social Work from Humboldt State University in 2010. As a graduate student, Stephanie was a Title IV-E CalSwec stipend recipient and completed internships at United Indian Health Services and California Department of Social Services- State Adoptions Arcata District Office.
Stephanie currently works for the Humboldt County DHHS as a Child Welfare Social Worker Supervisor in the family reunification/family maintenance unit. She has been actively involved in the development of a new practice model to improve permanency outcomes for Native American children involved in the child welfare system. Her goals are to inform the system of Tribal cultural perspectives, assist with coordination collaboration with Tribes, assist with the development of culturally responsive engagement and interventions, and to support the application of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Stephanie formerly served as the Social Services Director of the Yurok Tribe from 2010 to 2013 where she was primarily responsible for the development and oversight of the Yurok Social Services Department inclusive of the Indian Child Welfare Program, Tribal TANF, Title IV-E development grant, Juvenile intervention programs, Title IV-B, SAMHSA Circles of Care, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault programs, and other social service programs. As the Director, she served as the Northern Co-chair of the California Department of Social Services ICWA workgroup. As the Director, Stephanie co-coordinated and led the Social Services team in hosting the 19th Annual state wide ICWA conference. Stephanie also actively advocated for ICWA compliance and Tribal collaboration at the county, state, and federal levels.
Stephanie has over 13 years of Tribal programs and community engagement experience inclusive of direct service work in Indian education, cultural preservation and education, social service programs, health education, youth prevention, and program administration. Her background also includes community volunteer work and service learning as a head start parent policy member, coach, cultural presenter, and youth mentor. Stephanie enjoys spending time with her family, exercising, participating in cultural practices, and spending time outdoors!