BASW DL Orientation (on campus)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Native Forum (BSS_162)

We are excited to welcome you to campus for the fall social work orientation. This event is a mandatory event that will take place on our campus on August 26 (for campus and DL students) and August 27 (DL students only). Please read this letter in its entirety as it has important information about the orientation and our campus. I wanted to start with the common question, students often ask, “Why is it mandatory.” At this event, each student will receive critical information about our program, have the opportunity to meet faculty and staff, become familiar with the services available to them to support their success, meet members of their cohort, and for our DL students, attend a brief first class section. As faculty and staff in the department, we hope that this event will help develop a strong connection to the department as a whole, and with one another as we embark on this educational journey together. 

Please arrive at the Behavioral and Social Science Building (campus map, 14G) by 8:45. All students Please complete Google Form by 8/16/24. Parking is available on campus for a fee but please note that parking is limited and often difficult on the first day. It is advised to arrive early if you are driving. The following link provides important information about parking on campus: Parking

The Cal Poly campus is known for its hills and stairs. The Behavioral and Social Science Building is on top of a large hill; if you have mobility issues there are vans to assist you in getting closer to the building's entrance. Students that need assistance will need to get in contact with Disabled Students Services prior to the start of the semester. 

If you have a laptop, we encourage you to bring it to orientation. We will take time to practice logging into canvas and navigating how classes are organized. 

In the email students will also find the orientation agenda with additional links with information about the bookstore/textbook, getting your student ID, wi-fi and technology support, and our social work commitments. Once again on the behalf of the social work faculty and staff I would like to welcome you to the Cal Poly Humboldt Social Work Department! We look forward to meeting you. Travel safe and let us know if you have any questions. Main department line, 707-826-4448 or email