Yatiel Owens
Lecturer & Distributed Learning Director
Professionally, for the past 20 years I have been honored to work within grassroots Indigenous and non-indigenous communities as well as serving as a clinician in a wide variety of settings. I graduated from Humboldt with my BA in Social Work in the early 90’s and received my MSW from New Mexico Highlands University in 2000. In my career I have worked with adults who had traumatic brain injuries, community mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, psychiatric residential settings, treatment foster care, sexually aggressive youth and transitional services programs, and served as the Clinical Director for a multi-service child and family agency. I have also worked with juvenile justice, schools, and a camp community. My personal interests center on how to change the world for the generations now and the generations to come – specifically around issues of racism, discrimination, racial inequality, and social justice. I am also highly interested in positive youth development, community building, working with narratives and storytelling within treatment, resiliency, and being a strong ally to all those I work with.
Personally, I am married to the love of my life, I have three children to keep me humble, I love good food and therefore have to exercise, I love learning new things and exploring old ideas, and I love staying home and going on adventures equally.