Title IV-E Application Process

Please read thoroughly before applying. 


Thank you for your interest in the Title IV-E CalSWEC Stipend Projects.  Applicants must apply to the BASW or MSW programs before applying to the CalSWEC Title IV-E Stipend Program

There is one application for all of the above listed CalSWEC Title IV-E Stipend programs.  The Project Coordinators for the Title IV-E programs will select participants for the appropriate program based on meeting eligibility requirements. Students in the full-time programs will be required to have a panel interview with school, Tribal, and county representatives. Admission to Title IV-E programs is a competitive process based on program eligibility and total number of program participants. Selection for the Title IV-E Programs will be made approximately 1-2 months after admissions notification.

For students employed by a County Social Services or a Tribe, a letter of support must be signed by the Director and Supervisor at your employing agency.  Please consult with a Title IV-E Project Coordinator to obtain a sample of the Letter of Support required and determine whether you are required to submit a letter of support.


  • BASW program (Full-Time and Distributed Learning)
    • Distributed Learning (online): 07/01/25
    • Full Time: 07/01/25

**Applications may be accepted after this date based on availability in the program. Please contact program staff for additional information.**

  • MSW program (Full-Time, Full-Time Advanced Standing, Distributed Learning Advanced Standing)
    • Deadline: 04/1/25

**MSW Applicants please do not apply until after August 1st. Contact Jeff McKay or Michelle Rainer for program specific information.**

  • MSW Distributed Learning 3.5 year program
    • Deadline: 11/01/25 (MSW Applicants please do not apply until after August 1st. Contact Jeff McKay or Michelle Rainer for program specific information.)

**MSW Applicants please do not apply until after August 1st. Contact Jeff McKay or Michelle Rainer for program specific information.**

1. Application
2. Employment History
3. Upload Documents
     -  Resumé
     -  Personal Statement:  Please attach a one page statement detailing why you are interested in a career in public/Tribal Child Welfare.
     -  US Residency documentation (birth certificate, passport, or DACA documentation)
     -  Valid Driver's License
5. Letter of Support  (Required only for applicants currently employed in a public or Tribal child welfare agency. 

BASW Letter of Support Template

MSW Letter of Support Template

**Letter of support must be on agency letterhead and signed by director. Format and content can be modified to fit the needs of the agency.

Please email Jeffrey McKay: jwm362@humboldt.edu or Michelle Rainer: mr49@humboldt.edu regarding this requirement

*NOTE: If you have submitted an application prior you will need to have your account reset when reapplying.  Please contact Jeffery McKay, Child WelfareTraining Project Coordinator, jwm362@humboldt.edu, 707-826-4458.

Jeffrey McKay, Child Welfare Training Project Coordinator, jwm362@humboldt.edu, 707-826-4458
Michelle Rainer, Pathway Project Coordinator, Michelle.Rainer@humboldt.edu, 707-826-4449